Sunday, September 23, 2007

GET DIVORCED! You're only a few minutes away from knowing how...

It is the age old question that burns through the minds of both men and women... how on earth did I get myself into this and what's the fastest way out?
Marriage is the union of a man and woman to the exclusion of all others (a note that more people should remember) in matrimony. Every day thousands of people worldwide share a promise of love and declare that they have found the person that they want sitting beside them in the chair when they are eighty years old and helping them up to go to bed at night. But, somewhere between this declaration of love and assistance in standing something is happening. That's right, something is going terribly wrong and most people will be helped up by their fellow divorced friend as their EX husband/wife and children have better things to do with their lives than this.
It is to this end that a carefully constructed list has been written in order to prevent the hassle of actually having to be with the person for maybe ten years before leaving. If you leave early, you may still be young enough to do it a few more times.
1) Ignorance. There is nothing more important in a marriage than communication. Prior to getting married people should really learn how they argue with their future partner and establish if they have the ability to understand and listen to each other. Nobody ever thinks they are wrong when they fight. Remember this. While you believe that it is so clear that your partner is wrong, they wouldn't be fighting with you if they thought they were. So this is why marriage takes a bit of stepping into someone else's shoes. Sure, you can be angry at them still but if you at least try to act out in your head what their motivation is then you can possibly talk them to a middle ground. If you find it impossible to empathize with your partner or ever back down from an argument just for the sake of keeping the peace then you are a great candidate for the ignorance element and are well on your way to getting out of that marriage sooner than you expect. You're one of the lucky ones.
2) Lie. A good relationship is apparently built on trust so the sooner you can loose that the better. Keep phone numbers of ex boyfriends in your phone and call them when you have a fight with your husband. Visit ex girlfriends in the lunch hour and tell your wife that you are with a male friend. This is only effective if they catch you doing it though because if your lie isn't caught out then they may still trust you. So to ensure you are caught, when you are called by someone you have lied to your partner about, quickly let your face stiffen up and eyes pop open as you scurry to silence your phone and talk in words (not a sentence) saying things such as, 'oh, um and yeah.' And to be really effective tell them the first time your wife asks you who it was that it was Abdullah calling and the second time they ask say it was Hameed. You will be on your way not only to a divorce but to a hefty bill from a private eye as your partner sets out to catch you in your schemes.
3) Revoke Affection. That's correct. You and your partner must no longer have physical contact of any kind. If you can, try to throw things to them if they ask you for something. This will prevent any accidental touching of finger tips. (Note: This may be more difficult if you have a baby and are passing the baby to your partner because babies don't throw very well.) Touching is a sign of caring. It shows that you haven't had enough of the person emotionally and mentally and you want to be more at one with them. This is why this step is a great way to not only end the marriage and lead to step number four, but it is also a great way to build number five.
4) Cheat. Self explanatory. But, for those who think that cheating is ONLY the 'S' word... it's not! Let me elaborate. The following ARE considered cheating: having an emotional affair where you share everything important to you with another person or spend hours talking to another person and 'supporting' them while your partner sits at home with no one to talk to and lonely and kissing and taking another person on a 'date' are considered cheating as well.
5) Be unsupportive and constantly remind your partner that they are worthless. Lowering someones self esteem can have a great impact on their love for you. If you married for love then this is one of the elements that can really get rid of that feeling for you so divorce can come faster. The sooner your partner believes that you think they are everything bad in this world rolled into a ball, a fat ball at that because you will also have to convince them they are fat and ugly, the sooner they will agree to a divorce to try to hopefully find someone who doesn't think they are this. Well, that's wrong actually, the sooner they will get away from you and hide themselves in a locked house with the lights off not wanting to bother the world with the horrible person you have convinced them they are. Not only are you on your way to a divorce with this one, but you have successfully destroyed the person you once loved. Good work.
6) Quit work and stay at home doing nothing but watching television. Talk about the people in the sitcoms as though they are your friends and you think what happened on TV that day really happened. When your partner tries to get you to work or do something with your life, pretend there is something physical that is preventing you from working. The slacker you seem, the more disgusted they will become with you. And one more thing, you CAN NOT do anything around the house. If your partner is out all day and they come home and you have cleaned the house and done the washing, picked up the kids, made dinner etc. then they will be happy you aren't working because you are working at home and making home life easier for them. This is why it is not only fundamental but ESSENTIAL that you do NOT lift a finger around the house. When your partner comes home from work, just before you tell them about what Billy and Allison (your friends who live in Melrose Place) are up to, you should ask them to clear away the pizza box on the floor because it's starting to irritate you having to look at it.
7) Finally, do not celebrate anything important to them and stop referring to them as anything. Kind words go a long way. People like to hear the words 'darling' or 'sweetheart' because it makes them feel important. Now, how are you going to achieve number five if you are making your partner feel important? And what do you think a birthday present says? Or remembering an anniversary? Obviously it means 'I think you're important enough to celebrate' and that's NOT what you want them thinking! Get it together, you need to be out of this within a year so you can move on with your life. The sooner the better. In one whole year you can miss at LEAST three special events (Birthday, Valentines day and Anniversary). If you can manage to pull off all three of them and feel no remorse then you are not only better at ending marriages then most, but we can pretty much establish that you'd be a pretty bad friend as well. What a gem. You won't even need the how to be a bad friend article!
So, while there are many more things that will end a marriage, if the above doesn't then you are well on the way to it. Remember, marriage is something that involves work on both parts. It doesn't just happen. Love does float out some days and you need to have respect for your partner so there is always something holding you together. Every argument doesn't have to have a winner. If you want a marriage to work sometimes you DO have to lose an argument you know you are right in. This is why marriage is worth getting out of quick! Who wants someone to care about you when you could have a new person care about you every night? Well, until the money runs out or the skin starts to sag anyway.

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