Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ramadan - A lesson in success

It is that beautiful for some, dreaded for the rest, time of the year again... that is right... it's Ramadan! For one month each year, Muslims worldwide spend their long days removing themselves from the usual leisure of food, water, affection and smoking (and for some work!) to take a lesson in self control. Speaking from a first time faster, what a lesson that is for me. I had never known before just what an incredible feeling it is to look at the clock at almost six and literally get excited with the joy that I had only once known as that I had experienced at Christmas. I feel child like again when I know that in only twenty odd minutes I have made it through another day, I have succeeded.
Success. That is what it does to a person. We seldom set ourselves realistic goals to achieve. Many of us throw around how we want to loose 30kilos, how we want to make a million Dirham or how we will get that promotion, but because all of these things take time to achieve we never truly feel a consistent successful level in life so are never truly proud of ourselves. This is why for me this Ramadan has meant something. It has allowed me to feel successful and has reminded me that I am capable of achieving what I put my mind to, regardless of the size of the accomplishment.
When a person has a high regard for themselves they will strive further. Setting small goals and feeling the success of it is what will provide you the endurance to aim for the larger goals and know that you are capable of reaching the end with consistent props of success (small goals achieved) along the way for motivation and reiteration. Life is upward, not linear. If we remain where we are waiting to achieve one long term goal and setting no short term ones we will lose sight of why we are trying.
For me, this was Ramadan. It has provided me thus far with over a weeks worth of success and has more to come. Set yourself a goal today if Ramadan doesn't do that for you. Your goal may be to only have 19 cigarettes instead of 20, it may be to tell everyone you know at least one kind thing about them, but whatever it is plan a small reward for yourself for achieving it. Who said that we don't deserve to be appreciated in life? You are someone worth celebrating and it's time you remind yourself of that. Learn from your successes that you can do anything you want in life.
Viva Ramadan Kareem!

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